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Monday 11 October 2021

Top 10 best movies

 Top 10 best movies

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Guess which is the most watched f3. Our favourite?

It is obvious that my id would choose TV over movies, but I’ll give it a listen here: my favourite series to watch is -Game of Thrones and that’s a review of my fav series anyway.

Ok, I’ll admit that the shows I watch aren’t exactly worth going to the theatre for, but as soon as I get bored watching tv on a large budget I go to the cinema. I will stick to the classics though… I’m still pretty sure that it wasn’t a very mature movie with a plot that would confuse most people but I can still enjoy it. Below are my 10 favourite f3 movies.

A Tale of Two Cities

This is a very brilliant movie. The British films were at the top of the league for me in my country and this is the greatest new film I’ve watched in years.

In my opinion, it’s more than just a great drama film but an in depth read out about the London riots from the point of view of the far end of society. A tale of two cities like I said, two lives, two beliefs.

The Godfather

The Godfather is my personal favorite f3 movie of all time and it ranks as the 21st highest rated movie of all time. It’s a classic that made men and women pause thinking of family, politicians, business, their dream and the meaning of life.

The Godfather is great. All you need to enjoy it is to be a mature man. It’s based on a guy who became well known but it’s not boring or boring, it’s not day in and day out either. But one should also have a real life example to lean on or watch the true nature of the people whose lives are being put into front centre.


My first f3 movie as if it is your favourite one. It’s a beautiful film that will tug at your heartstrings. It’s one that will travel to your heart even if you think it may not make you stop and really enjoy it, but once you watch it you’ll forget everything else and just think of Up, and you will love it.

Before Up I had never seen a movie where there was so much story and they didn’t even need special effects. Up taught me how much filmmaking can still find a way to move and capture real emotions.


I didn’t even know that this movie existed before I watched it. Everyman is such a close cousin to up but has a very important difference. I said everyman instead of everyday. All I know about this movie though is my dad watches it at least three times a year. And yes, I watched it just like he does.

I also found out that there are some actors whose names you don’t know but it doesn’t matter really. Everyman is unbelievable and incredibly intelligent. Everyman was brilliantly directed, light on its feet and gripping. It’s fun and it’s crazy but at the same time, real. That is why this is my favourite f3 movie.

The Silence of the Lambs

This is my current f3 movie of all time. I’ve never watched a great film but I have already read the books and I know my favorite actor, Sir Anthony Hopkins from The Silence of the Lambs. He is the perfect man.

To have a great part playing a psychopath without being any creepy or in a creepy way is amazing. I would recommend any person to see this movie or read the book. It is hard not to believe at some point you have just become a villain.

It was a mature film in so many ways but not in the usual sense of being mature. The tone, the story, the romantic stuff, the drugs, if you were to put all the good shit in, which we don’t do nowadays, you would consider it just a super immature movie. And that’s what I still enjoy about it, I know that what I’m watching isn’t an appropriate for 18 and above teenagers.

But if you’re movie that you find is just a little younger than an 18 and don’t mind these thing then take a look and you’ll be hooked.

Leonardo DiCaprio


Leonardo DiCaprio

The acclaimed actor and media personality has appeared in many of Hollywood’s finest film roles in the past couple of decades.

It started in the late 1990s with legendary performances in the critically acclaimed film “The Rehearsal”.

Soon after, DiCaprio’s role in the hit superhero film “Batman Begins” also earned him his first Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor. The actor earned his second Oscar nomination for his role in the 2000 film “What If I Never Tell You”, while his performance in “The Basketball Diaries” netted him a third Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor.

It was after this, that DiCaprio’s last true starring role was in “Titanic” which earned him his second Oscar nomination for Best Picture, his fourth Oscar nomination for Best Actor and his fifth Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor.

His last collaboration with director Martin Scorsese for “Shutter Island”, earned him the Oscar award for Best Actor. In November 2012, DiCaprio won the Golden Globe Award for his performance in the film “The Wolf of Wall Street”.

The film was a critical success, but also received DiCaprio a 10th Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. This award was his second Oscar nomination for the same film. In addition, the film won DiCaprio the Oscar for Best Motion Picture, Director and Best Actor in a Motion Picture.

This was followed by his next amazing career success as a modern-day action hero in director Christopher Nolan’s Batman franchise with the films “The Dark Knight”, “The Dark Knight Rises” and “The Dark Knight Rises”. After six and a half years of the release of the films, his performance earned him his 11th Oscar nomination for Best Actor in a movie. After this, in 2013, DiCaprio received his best portrayal of a real-life thief in Joel Schumacher’s movie “The Town” which was directed by Ben Affleck. A movie directed by Ben Affleck, who won an Oscar for Best Picture and director of the movie “Argo”.

Several other starring roles in 2007-2013, including “Django Unchained” (2013), which is his fourth Oscar nomination for Best Actor; “The Wolf of Wall Street” (2013), directed by Paul Thomas Anderson and the latest, “The Wolf of Wall Street” (2013) received DiCaprio his sixth Oscar nomination for Best Actor, his eighth win.

In general, it is clear that DiCaprio’s career is strong, versatile and well established. His acting career has made him a living legend, in his field of actor.

Top 10 best movies

 Top 10 best movies                                                                                                                         ...